Privacy statement for recruitment

Privacy statement for Business Turku Ltd’s recruitment

1. Controller

Turku Science Park Ltd
Joukahaisenkatu 3-5 A, FI-20520 Turku

2. Contact information for matters concerning the register

3. Purpose of the processing of personal data

Turku Science Park Ltd’s recruitment.

4. Groups of data subjects and categories of data

Job applicants:

  • basic details (name, address, telephone number)
  • data presented in the application
  • CV information

5. Legal basis for the processing of personal data

Legitimate interest of the controller. Business Turku Ltd’s has a legitimate interest to recruit employees to open positions and to process job applications.

6. Sources of personal data

The data is only collected from the data subjects themselves, and the data subjects have the possibility to decide which data and to what extent data is given. Personal data is only processed to the degree necessary for the purposes and in a way that the data subjects can reasonably expect when they give the data.

7. Disclosures and transfers of personal data

Personal data may be disclosed to service providers and regarding persons selected for interviews, to a recruitment consultant.

The data is not transferred outside the EU/EEA countries.

8. Storage times for the data

The data of job applicants is deleted one year after the recruitment process.

9. Profiling and automatic decision-making

The processing of personal data does not include profiling or automated decision-making.