• SHIFT is getting ready to reconnect business decisionmakers in August

    SHIFT is getting ready to reconnect business decisionmakers in August

    After two years of remote meetings, company leaders are in the need of physical encounters – SHIFT helps to reconnect again in August. SHIFT offers new insights, networks and tools for creating future business. The festival will take place 24–25 August. Shift Business Festival gathers together growth-oriented companies from across the board to have a……

  • Ponsse and Epec to Establish a Product Development Unit in Turku

    Ponsse and Epec to Establish a Product Development Unit in Turku

    Ponsse and Epec, technology companies belonging to the same group, will jointly establish a product development unit in Turku, Finland. The product development unit will focus on software and automation design, assistive and autonomous systems, and electric drive systems for mobile machinery. The aim is to ensure the future availability of top software and automation……

  • Diagnostics pioneers Abacus Diagnostica, Kaivogen and Labrox are now together Uniogen

    Diagnostics pioneers Abacus Diagnostica, Kaivogen and Labrox are now together Uniogen

    Three Turku-based life science experts – Abacus Diagnostica, a frontrunner in molecular testing and rapid PCR test systems, Kaivogen, a specialist in immunoassays and antibody tests, and Labrox, an innovator of high technology laboratory instruments and diagnostic readers – announced in September 2021 that they are joining forces to form a global diagnostics pioneer. The……

  • End-of-life textile refinement plant receives funding from Business Finland

    End-of-life textile refinement plant receives funding from Business Finland

    Business Finland has granted Lounais-Suomen Jätehuolto (LSJH) circular economy investment aid for building a full-scale end-of-life textile refinement plant in Topinpuisto in Turku. When the plant is ready, Finland will be the first country in the world where post-consumer textiles are obtained nationwide for reuse and recycling. Lounais-Suomen Jätehuolto (LSJH) has received Business Finland’s circular……

  • Strong entrepreneurial atmosphere in Southwest Finland

    Strong entrepreneurial atmosphere in Southwest Finland

    The entrepreneurial atmosphere has traditionally been positive in Southwest Finland and the Turku region. The recent Regional Prognosis 2022 compiled by Varsinais-Suomen Yrittäjät association and Osuuspankki bank looked into the experience of entrepreneurs regarding the matter. The entrepreneurial atmosphere in Southwest Finland is rated slightly higher compared to the previous year. In a comparison by……

  • Regional Prognosis: Enterprises expect growth in 2022

    Regional Prognosis: Enterprises expect growth in 2022

    The economic expectations of enterprises in Southwest Finland have improved considerably compared to a year before. The outlook for turnover, profitability, personnel number and investments have taken a significant turn for the better as indicated by the Regional Prognosis 2022 compiled by Varsinais-Suomen Yrittäjät association and Osuuspankki bank. The economic expectations of enterprises in Southwest……

  • The 2021 Per Brahe Prize goes to Hongbo Zhang

    The 2021 Per Brahe Prize goes to Hongbo Zhang

    The Åbo Akademi University Foundation has given the 2021 Per Brahe Prize to Hongbo Zhang, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Science and Engineering at Åbo Akademi University. A prize sum of €12,000 is annually awarded to a promising researcher at Åbo Akademi University with the hope that he or she will continue his or her……

  • Medicortex Finland Oy Announces Issuance of a Patent in Israel

    Medicortex Finland Oy Announces Issuance of a Patent in Israel

    Medicortex Finland Oy, a Turku-based biopharmaceutical company focusing on the development of diagnostics and drug treatment for mild traumatic brain injury (TBI), announces approval of company’s pivotal patent in Israel. The issued Israeli patent “Prognostic and Diagnostic Glycan-Based Biomarkers of Brain Damage” (IL patent number 254980) covers company’s core technology of innovative diagnostic kit and……

  • Costa Toscana delivered from Meyer Turku shipyard

    Costa Toscana delivered from Meyer Turku shipyard

    Meyer Turku delivered today the 180 000 GT cruise ship Costa Toscana to Costa Cruises. The timely delivery of the ship is a testimony to the shipyard’s ability to perform even under these trying times. “With Costa Toscana we are turning a new page at the shipyard. We have been pushing our ship building processes onward……

  • Air Leap starts a direct route between Stockholm Arlanda and Turku

    Air Leap starts a direct route between Stockholm Arlanda and Turku

    From 24 January, Air Leap will start a direct route between Stockholm Arlanda and Turku. Air Leap will operate the route with two daily round trips, lunch and evening, Monday to Friday and one direct flight from Turku to Stockholm on Saturday with return on Sunday. Air Leap has previously announced that it will increase……