• DelSiTech and Anticancer Bioscience Announce a Collaboration Agreement for the Development of Long-acting Therapies in Oncology

    DelSiTech and Anticancer Bioscience Announce a Collaboration Agreement for the Development of Long-acting Therapies in Oncology

    DelSiTech Ltd, the leading silica drug delivery technology company, based in Turku, Finland and Anticancer Bioscience Ltd., an innovative China-base and international company pioneers in synthetic lethal approaches to precision oncology, announced a notable collaboration pertaining to the development of silica-based long-acting controlled release treatments in oncology. The collaboration joins key European innovations in biomaterials……

  • Finnish digital health knowhow aims to inspire at HIMSS22 Europe in Helsinki in June

    Finnish digital health knowhow aims to inspire at HIMSS22 Europe in Helsinki in June

    Europe’s healthcare leaders will meet at the HIMSS22 European Health Conference & Exhibition in Helsinki, Finland, on 14-16 June. The Finnish Pavilion stage program brings forward Finnish knowhow on digital health and health data via inspiring stories. Turku Science Park Ltd has been involved in the planning of the Finland Pavilion program, in addition to which……

  • Startups in the Turku region | A walk and talk with Petri from Filmgate Finland

    Startups in the Turku region | A walk and talk with Petri from Filmgate Finland

    Petri Erkkilä knows movies inside out. He works for Filmgate Finland, a production company that makes VFX post-productions for international films. The company has recently expanded from Sweden to Finland, where Petri is responsible for their Turku office. With the increasing demand in the field, there is now a real need for experts of their……

  • FIVE FROM FINLAND: University of Turku spinoffs

    FIVE FROM FINLAND: University of Turku spinoffs

    What do Comptek Solutions, Precordior, CTRL Reality, Eduten and Asro have in common? They are all successful spinoffs from the University of Turku, one of the world’s top-ranked universities located in the oldest city in Finland, Turku. Learn about the companies’ revolutionary inventions in the article by Zhanna Koiviola, published on Good News from Finland:……

  • Startups in the Turku region | A walk and talk with Dine from Tablebed

    Startups in the Turku region | A walk and talk with Dine from Tablebed

    When Dine Renfors moved into the center of Turku, he came up with an idea on how to save space: a piece of furniture that could be a table by day and a bed by night. This was the beginning of his startup, Tablebed, which has recently landed a one million euro contract in the……

  • Valmet Automotive entering into manufacturing with EV brand Sono Motors

    Valmet Automotive entering into manufacturing with EV brand Sono Motors

    Production of the German Sono Motors’ full electric vehicle with fully integrated solar cells will start at the Uusikaupunki car plant in 2023. The goal is to produce 257,000 cars in seven years. Valmet Automotive has signed a binding term sheet on solar electric vehicle manufacturing with Sono Motors, the German-based technology company. The cooperation……

  • Smart Chemistry Park in Raisio – a unique ecosystem of businesses

    Smart Chemistry Park in Raisio – a unique ecosystem of businesses

    Smart Chemistry Park in Raisio is a regionally significant ecosystem of businesses in the field of bio- and circular economy. Representatives from Business Finland paid a visit to this entity which is unique on national and even on international level. Turku Science Park Ltd. started Smart Chemistry Park in 2015. Turku Science Park identified a……

  • Startups in the Turku region | A walk and talk with Iman from Silo AI

    Startups in the Turku region | A walk and talk with Iman from Silo AI

    Iman Azimi found the Ph.D. position of his dreams in the University of Turku where he could combine two of his main interests: AI and mHealth. After 6 years of living in Turku, he joined the Silo AI team – the biggest private AI lab in the Nordics! Silo AI started off in the Turku……

  • DelSiTech Enters into an Exclusive Licensing Agreement with Optifye Therapeutics

    DelSiTech Enters into an Exclusive Licensing Agreement with Optifye Therapeutics

    DelSiTech Ltd, the leading silica drug delivery technology company, based in Turku, Finland and Optifye Therapeutics AG, a Swiss-based pharmaceutical company focusing on the development and commercialization of treatments for ophthalmic indications, have announced an exclusive licensing agreement pertaining to the development of controlled-release dexamethasone eye drops utilizing DelSiTech Silica Matrix technology. Dexamethasone is a corticosteroid medicine that is……

  • Startups in the Turku region | A walk and talk with Tomi from Brinter

    Startups in the Turku region | A walk and talk with Tomi from Brinter

    Tomi Kalpio, the CEO and co-founder of Brinter, came across a peculiar challenge of printing a human brain in 3D. This is how his long career in 3D printing had an exciting twist that included bioprinting – printing living cells. Tomi is originally from the vibrant City of Turku, which became home to Brinter as……