Promoting exports to international NGOs

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Duration: 2023 – 2026

Project partners: Business Turku and Business Tampere (Finland), Tehnopol (Estonia), Latvian IT Cluster and RISE (Sweden).

Funding: Total budget: € 1,792,992 of which € 1,434,394 from the European Regional Development Fund/Central Baltic Interreg

Procurements from large international NGOs, like the United Nations, Red Cross, IMF, World Bank etc., form a 20-billion-dollar annual market. The Central Baltic countries, however, are much underrepresented in the volume of annual sales. Promoting exports to International NGOs (INGOs) project will inform and mentor companies in how to effectively enter these processes. Furthermore, the project will take SMEs to international INGO events as well as seeks to form cross-border consortia to provide more complex solutions. As a result, SMEs will be able to enter, and win, procurement bids from these organizations. 

The Promoting exports to International NGOs project will arrange events to inform SMEs about the potential and possibilities of entering the procurement processes on international NGOs. Also, the project will mentor companies on how to bid successfully, matchmake companies with NGO representatives, and have SMEs that have experience in this field share their expertise. 

Furthermore, the project will take a select group of SMEs to visit international NGO events to learn more about the open calls, meet NGO representatives and present their innovative solutions. The project will also work with a range of NGO innovation and incubation programs to help and mentor SMEs from Central Baltic area to successfully enter these programs. 

For international NGOs and other stakeholders, the project offers a neutral partner with a dedicated budget to help them further inform SMEs about their processes, and to introduce new innovative solutions to the NGOs. The project consortium represents four different countries. 

The 3,5-year project is funded by Central Baltic Interreg Programme. The partner consortium consists of Turku Science Park and Business Tampere from Finland, Tallinn Tehnopol from Estonia, Latvian IT Cluster, and RISE from Sweden. 

If you want to know more, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Contact Person at Business TurkuSami Uusitalo