Turku Welcomes National Drug Development Centre


Finnish Minister of Family Affairs and Social Services Krista Kiuru has signed the memorandum of association of the national Drug Development Centre (Kansallinen lääkekehityskeskus Oy). The establishment of the National Drug Development Centre will promote competitive drug development, and it will serve the researchers in the whole country, for example in universities, research institutes, and hospitals. The Drug Development Centre will be established in Turku.

”After long and thorough preparations, Minister Kiuru’s decision is very positive and much awaited. Turku is a strong drug development city, and the centre will serve research and development activities in the whole country. At the same time it will make the industry stronger and more attractive in the Turku region”, says Minna Arve, Mayor of Turku.

The national Drug Development Centre will serve the research community and businesses by promoting the launching of new products to the market.

The majority of drugs developed in Finland come from the Turku region which is home to an extensive and diverse network of pharmaceutical and health care companies. Co-operation with businesses, universities and public sector providers is solid.

”We have been promoting and preparing the Drug Development Centre for a long time in good co-operation both within the region and nationally, and the decision on establishment is significant. The centre will provide extensive services to both the research community and the business world, and clearly support the launching of new drugs to the market”, says Niko Kyynäräinen, Director of Economic and Business Development at City of Turku and the Chairman of the Board of Turku Science Park Ltd.

The experience obtained from drug development centres established in other countries has proved positive. The centres have helped to forward drug development projects based on academic research to the clinical phase and have generated new growth companies.

”The need for drug development and the resulting benefits are obvious, and we are very pleased about the Minister’s decision. Turku is a natural location for the centre, and I am sure that the co-operation between the universities and the pharmaceutical industry players will be excellent”, says Jukka Kola, Rector of the University of Turku.

The Finnish Government decided to fund the establishment of the national Drug Development Centre with 11 million euros in April 2018. To ensure effective operating it will be necessary to secure sufficient core capital for the Drug Development Centre.