Turku Centre for Biotechnology Strengthens Role as International Cluster of Expertise


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  • Turku Centre for Biotechnology launches a new brand name Turku Bioscience
  • Over 200 researchers work at the Centre and it gains 4–6 million in supplementary funding
  • Turku Bioscience and its drug development technology can support the operations of the planned future drug development centre

Turku Centre for Biotechnology, a joint unit of the University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University, celebrating its 30-year anniversary offers technology services and produces top research in biosciences. In honour of the anniversary, the name of the Centre was changed to gain more visibility and to strengthen its position at the heart of technology services in Turku. In the future, the Centre’s brand name will be Turku Bioscience – in Finnish, Turun biotiedekeskus.

Turku Bioscience is a significant player in enabling top research in bioscience in the region and safeguarding the operating conditions of businesses in the field. Over 200 researchers work at the Centre and there are over a dozen research groups. Each year, the Centre gains 4–6 million in supplementary funding and the value of the equipment is over 10 million.

Since its founding, Turku Bioscience has specialised in providing top technology services to researchers – both regionally and internationally. The Centre offers world class research infrastructure, expert personnel to guide the use of equipment, and top researchers whose expertise can be utilised in gaining maximum benefits from the use of different technologies and applications.

– Throughout its history, Turku Bioscience has been at the heart of the technology services at the Turku biocampus. We are actively involved in the most significant development projects of the Turku region and Southwest Finland, sums Director of Turku Bioscience, Professor John Eriksson.

In addition, the publication profile of the Centre’s research groups represent the top international level in their field. With the top-quality research, the research groups at Turku Bioscience also participate in several commercialisation of research results and business collaboration projects.

– At the moment, the most important projects of the Turku biocampus is getting the planned drug development centre to Turku. The role of Turku Bioscience is significant in the project. We can support the operations of the future drug development centre by providing services in the latest drug development technology, highlights Research Director, Professor Jukka Westermarck from Turku Bioscience.

Internationally Competitive Infrastructure a Benefit for the Development of the Entire Region

Turku Bioscience is among the most important research infrastructures in Finland on the roadmap of the Ministry of Education and Culture. The bioimaging infrastructure as well as the expertise of the Centre are on a very significant level internationally. The centre also offers unique possibilities for gene and protein modification analysis.

– On the European level, Turku Bioscience is a competitive cluster of expertise that has a significant impact on the innovation and business activities in biosciences in the entire Turku region, stresses Eriksson.

Expanding the Centre towards a more international direction will generate important benefits for Southwest Finland, and for the development of its industrial structure and improving competitiveness.

– Turku has a unique opportunity to utilise the regional, national and international development possibilities the Centre offers, says Eriksson.

For more information, contact: John Eriksson, +358 50 409 6624, john.eriksson@bioscience.fi