Satellite data to help with improving the condition of the Baltic Sea


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  • The WeSeaChallenge idea competition  strives to find innovative solutions that utilize space data to increase awareness about the condition of the maritime area, and support actions for improving it
  • WeSeaChallenge is looking for solutions in fish farming business, sustainable urban development, and the better coordination of protective actions for the environment
  • In total, 8 500 euro is awarded by the partners to the best ideas

A great deal of work is carried out by the Baltic Sea region countries with the goal of improving the condition of their maritime environment and the Baltic Sea at large. In many ways, the situation has taken a turn for the better. An awareness of the environmental conditions and factors affecting them builds a solid foundation for effective measures. In collaboration with the Finnish Meteorological Institute and University of Turku, Turku Science Park Ltd has launched the WeSeaChallenge idea competition with an objective to get novel ideas helping this information to flow more efficiently for the purpose of supporting environmental actions. The resulting ideas are expected to leverage satellite data as one of their data sources.

– The use of satellite data in business services and public authority services is becoming increasingly common. With this competition, we would like to make its benefits even better known, says Account Manager Timo Huttunen from the TechTurku team at Turku Science Park.

According to Mr. Huttunen, WeSeaChallenge is looking for solutions in fish farming business, sustainable urban development, and the better coordination of protective actions for the environment. In the contest, the partners of Turku Science Park Ltd comprise Nordic Trout Ltd, Finnish Fish Farmers’ Association, City of Uusikaupunki, Baltic Sea Challenge, and Sofokus Ltd.

A kickoff event will launch the competition on 1.10.2019, and it will conclude on 4.12.2019 in an event where participants present their results. This means that participants have two months to work on their ideas. Throughout the duration of the contest, organizers and challenge partners provide their support for the development of the ideas.

– You can participate by yourself or as a team. The result can be either a concept or a technical prototype of a user interface that leverages satellite data in some way.

In total, 8 500 euro is awarded by the partners to the best ideas. In addition, the best ideas can be further developed into commercial products with the guidance of Turku Science Park Ltd after the contest. Registration to the competition is open until 6.10.2019 at

The WeSeaChallenge competition is organized as a part of the BalticSatApps project financed by the European Regional Development Fund – Interreg Baltic Sea Region. Turku Science Park Ltd is responsible for the practical arrangements of the contest. It also brings its own input to the Baltic Sea challenge by awarding 2 500 euro to the team that manages in its proposal to best solve problems related to the coordination of protective measures with the help of satellite data tools.

Turku Science Park Ltd has worked consistently in the long-term development of space-based business. As the latest example, a local chapter of the European Space Agency business incubator was established in its area of operation.

Additional information: Kick-off October 1, see on our events calendar.