Regional Prognosis: Enterprises expect growth in 2022



The economic expectations of enterprises in Southwest Finland have improved considerably compared to a year before. The outlook for turnover, profitability, personnel number and investments have taken a significant turn for the better as indicated by the Regional Prognosis 2022 compiled by Varsinais-Suomen Yrittäjät association and Osuuspankki bank.

The economic expectations of enterprises in Southwest Finland have improved considerably compared to the previous year. All indicators – expected turnover, profitability, personnel number and investment plans – show a significant increase compared to the previous year. On the whole the economic expectations for 2022 seem very promising.

On the whole the economic expectations in 2022 seem very promising in Turku Business Region.

Expectations for growth are also considerably up on the previous year. While the expectations for growth in Southwest Finland were last year negative in two regions, this year all regions show a clearly positive rating, and a major turn has taken place in the growth expectations of enterprises.

The number of personnel can also be anticipated to increase in all regions. As for investment plans, the development is divided. In some regions the total number of investments is not increasing, but growth of investments is expected in the Turku region and the Vakka-Suomi region. In the Turku region the investment plans have even increased considerably compared to the previous year.

The survey used as the basis for the Regional Prognosis was implemented in the first two weeks of November 2021 among members of Varsinais-Suomen Yrittäjät. The number of answers totalled nearly 800.