Talent Turku 2023-2024

Talent Turku 2023-2024

Duration: 1.5.2023 – 30.4.2024

Project partners: Turku Science Park Ltd. and the City of Turku.

Funding: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment (työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö). Total budget 350 585 euros.

Project in a nutshell: Talent Turku’s aim is to increase the availability and retention of specialised labour through the service packages of attraction, recruitment, relocation and integration. The coordinated Talent Turku project and service model takes as its goal to enable cross-organisationally produced, customer-oriented services for companies and international talents. In accordance with the national Talent Boost programme, Talent Turku works to make sure that the Turku region is an internationally attractive place to work, found a startup, study, do research and invest, and that the region’s employers want and are able to recruit international talents. In addition, the expertise of international talents is increasingly in demand to promote the growth, internationalisation and renewal of the region’s companies. The Talent Turku project promotes the goals of the national Talent Boost programme.

Duties of Turku Science Park Ltd.: Turku Science Park Ltd. is responsible for company-oriented marketing for international talents and company services related to international expertise in the region.

Contact person in Turku Science Park Ltd.: Lotta Kujanpää