Synthetic health data testbed

Duration: 1.4.2023–31.3.2025.
Project partners: University of Turku, Turku University of Applied Sciences, Varha – the Wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland, and Turku Science Park Oy
Funding: The project is co-financed by the European Union. The project receives funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the Renewed and Competent Finland 2021–2027 program of EU’s regional and structural policies. The supervising authority for the funding is the Uusimaa Regional Council. The total budget for the project is €495,000.
Project in a nutshell: Quality data is essential for the development of healthcare products. Synthetic datasets are suitable for limited purposes, while the use of genuine health data is highly regulated. The Synthetic Health Data Testbed is an innovative service that provides access to health data without compromising on privacy and security requirements. Our goal is to facilitate the agile and cost-effective development of solutions based on health data, such as new AI applications. In addition to businesses and research institutions, healthcare service providers and patients will also benefit from the solutions developed, as innovation efforts lead to better treatment methods and solutions.
Duties of Turku Science Park Ltd.: Turku Science Park Ltd is responsible for Work Package 4 (Testing the Testbed with Companies and Gathering Feedback).
This work package includes testing the testbed (technical testbed with synthetic data) with companies. Testing does not involve the technical testing of the technology but focuses on evaluating the alignment between the created testbed and the needs of the companies (in other words, whether the created solution serves the needs of the companies). As part of the work package, a series of workshops will be conducted as a purchased service, where the developed solution will be presented to companies, and feedback on the suitability of the solution will be collected from company representatives.
Contact person in Turku Science Park Ltd.: Janne Lahtiranta