Smart City Digital Twins

Duration: 1.2.2023 – 30.04.2024

Project partners: Coordinator University of Turku and partners Turku University of Applied Sciences and Turku Science Park Ltd.

Funding: The total budget is EUR 144 839. Turku Science Park Ltd.’s share is EUR 40 327.

See workshop info here and go to the public materials here. Join our mapping survey here. Do you want to tell about your SCDT services, join the marketplace here.

Duties of Turku Science Park Ltd.: Turku Science Park Ltd. is responsible for company cooperation, international cooperation, networking, workshops and info sharing.

Contact person in Business Turku Ltd.: Michael Lindholm

  • Principal Investigator: Jari Kaivo-oja ( 
  • Project Manager: Tero Villman (
  • Researcher: Laura Pouru-Mikkola ( 
  • Research Assistant: Tolga Karayel ( 

All scheduled workshops have been successfully completed. A total of over 100 persons attended.

  • September 19th 2023 Gdańsk Science and Technology Park, room 002
    Keynote speaker Krzysztof Pekala, Director of Informatics Department in the Gdansk Municipality
  • September 21st 2023 Wrocław Science Park, Budynek DELTA, ul. Duńska 9
  • October 5th 2023 Vilnius Municipality Building
  • November 2nd (Meeting room Ringsberg) and November 22nd (Meeting room Helena) 2023 Turku Educity, Joukahaisenkatu 7, 20520 Turku
  • Wrap up meeting 5th of March 2024

Wrap up meeting 5th of March 2024 time 10:00 – 12:00
We will hear about the results of the project at TechTurku Week 202.
Registrations and program will open soon

Public materials
View all public materials at the Marketplace