CircVol 2 (6Aika project)

Utilization of side streams and masses of soil in the cities

Duration: 1.5.2021 – 30.4.2022

Project partners: Turku Science Park Ltd., Turku University of Applied Sciences, Åbo Akademi University, Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) and the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE).

Funding: ERDF, total budget about 250 000 euros

Project in a nutshell: The project will generate new information for companies and 6Aika cities to bring solutions for the utilization of large-volume masses. The aim of the project is to support systemic change towards a circular economy in companies and cities, and at the same time reduce the carbon footprint of infrastructure construction and thus mitigate climate change. The project provides information on the reforms of the MRL and Waste Act. The aims of reforms are e.g. a carbon-neutral society and raising the recycling rate to at least the level of EU recycling targets. The aim of the project is to disseminate information to support cities and businesses in taking their carbon footprint into account and in making greater use of recycled materials. The aim is to consider the utilization of side-stream-based recycled materials in infrastructure construction sites instead of the use of virgin materials.
The EU’s horizontal principles are sustainable development, equality and non-discrimination. The aim of the principles of sustainable development is to ensure same or better living possibilities also for the next generations. Economic growth following the sustainable development is the most important when supporting wellbeing and living also in the future. The CircVol 2 project enhances the sustainable reuse of high-volume flows and a sustainably built living environment that will also last for future generations. The project encourages the reuse and utilization of recycled materials in civil and urban construction, thus saving valuable and depleting natural resources.

Duties of Turku Science Park Ltd.: Coordinator

Contact person in Turku Science Park Ltd.: Reeta Huhtinen