AKKE – Development of regional ecosystems in the Turku region

AKKE – Development of regional ecosystems in the Turku region


Duration: 1.5.2021 – 31.12.2021

Project partners: City of Turku and Turku Science Park Ltd.

Funding: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland (Supporting the sustainable growth and vitality of regions) / Regional Council of Southwest Finland (funding authority)

Project in a nutshell: At the turn of 2021 and 2022, 16 ecosystem agreements between urban areas and the state will be implemented to develop Finnish competence centers and innovation environments. The main contracting parties in these agreements are the cities and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland.

In order to ensure that the implementation of ecosystem agreements is well under way at the beginning of the agreement period, separate funding was provided for their preparation and organisation in support of sustainable growth and vitality in the regions (AKKE). In the Turku metropolitan area, the funding authority for this preparation is the Regional Council of Southwest Finland and the main contractor is the City of Turku.

AKKE’s work packages in the Turku region and the parties responsible for them are as follows:

1. Coordination. City of Turku and Turku Science Park Ltd.
2. Resource-wise solutions and strengthening the circular economy market: City of Turku
3. Industrial bio- and circular economy activities in the Turku region: Turku Science Park Ltd.
4. Smart Blue Industry operating concept and ecosystem: Turku Science Park Ltd.
5. Digital service networks: City of Turku
6. Visibility of the ICT sector and national and international networks: Turku Science Park Ltd.
7. Activities supporting drug development and expanding the knowledge base: Turku Science Park Ltd.

Tasks of Turku Science Park Ltd.: In connection with the work packages, Turku Science Park Ltd. takes care of assembling suitable networks and planning and launching the most important measures to be implemented together with the top companies, universities and other stakeholders in the region.

Contact persons at Turku Science Park Ltd.:
Coordination: Aino Ukkola
Industrial bio- and circular economy activities in the Turku region: Reeta Huhtinen
Smart Blue Industry operating concept and ecosystem: Kari Sillanpää
Visibility of the ICT sector and national and international networks: Kari Sillanpää
Activities that support drug development and expand the knowledge base: Tero Piispanen