
All of our ongoing projects

Funding provided by national and EU programs enable us to provide current, free services to companies in Turku region.

Previous projects you can find on our Completed Projects site.

BioDemo – Demonstrating the Value Chains of a New Field of Industry

BioMan4R2 – BioManufacturing Eurocluster for Recovery and Resilience in EU

CAIDX – Clinical AI-Based Diagnostics

CITIES 4.0 – Climate Innovation Through Interactive Ecosystem Summits

DIGIT-PRE – DIGITAL tools delivering PREvention

EEN – Enterprise Europe Network

FOODEX: Food and exercise testbed services

HealthHub Finland EDIH – European Digital Innovation Hub

HYTKI – National Health and Wellbeing Data Innovation Ecosystem

Innoboost – innovation ecosystem coordination project

KESY – Ecosystems of Growth 2 (6Aika)

Kulttuuri- ja elämysteollisuuden kasvuohjelman suunnitteluhanke

NBSCALE – Northbound Scaleups


Smart City Digital Twin

Synthetic health data testbed

Talent Turku 2023-2024

ULLEVI – New Business from Thermal Energy Storage

Urban Tech