Ponsse and Epec to Establish a Product Development Unit in Turku



Ponsse and Epec, technology companies belonging to the same group, will jointly establish a product development unit in Turku, Finland. The product development unit will focus on software and automation design, assistive and autonomous systems, and electric drive systems for mobile machinery. The aim is to ensure the future availability of top software and automation talent.

Competition for the best talent is intensifying both in Finland and abroad. The new product development unit will be located in the always-attractive city of Turku, which offers Ponsse and Epec’s product development team the opportunity to network with the best partners in terms of employees, partners and cooperation with educational institutions.

Ponsse’s technology company Epec is opening an office in Turku and is looking for experts, trainees and summer employees to fill it with.

We want to be present in Finland’s strong technology locations and offer cooperation and job opportunities to the best talents across Finland. Turku is an exciting opportunity for both Ponsse and Epec. The rapid development of technology requires new skills and talents. Flexible solutions will ensure the supply of skilled labour also in the future,” says Juho Nummela, CEO of Ponsse Plc.

Epec is a systems supplier specialising in advanced electronics and software, electric powertrain systems, assistance and autonomous systems for construction machinery and commercial vehicles. According to Epec CEO Jyri Kylä-Kaila, the Turku location will enable the company to work more closely with its customers.

The new product development unit will start its operations on 1 February, 2022. The Turku product development unit is expected to employ around 10 people by the end of the year.

Looking for experts, trainees and summer interns

Epec has also launched a recruitment drive for more than 20 software and electronics experts, looking not only for Turku but also for the head office in Seinäjoki and Tampere.

Our aim is to gain a significant market share in the fast-growing market for new technologies in the field of construction machinery and commercial vehicles. It is important for us to invest and develop our technological expertise in Finland. At the same time, we will benefit from our extensive experience of operating in an international customer and stakeholder environment,” says Jyri Kylä-Kaila, CEO of Epec Oy.

In addition to experts, Epec is looking for interns and summer workers in the same locations. The positions are aimed at students at vocational schools and universities. The tasks include testing electronics and software, programming, software development and/or further development of DevOps environments, depending on the field of study.