New mentoring program start in January – now looking for mentors


  • A mentoring program lasting about 6 months will be organized for international talents in the beginning of 2021
  • Mentoring also offers many benefits to the mentor
  • The mentoring program is now looking for mentors from all professional fields

The MESH project (ESF 2019-2021) has organized mentoring programs for international talents already five times in Turku. Next mentoring programs start now in the beginning of 2021 and currently there are a search for new enthusiastic mentors. The mentor doesn’t need to have previous experience, all mentors are oriented to the role.

The aim of mentoring is to support and improve international talents’ possibilities to find employment. The mentoring supports the talents to recognize their strengths and areas of development, familiarize with Finnish working culture, expand their networks and clarify their job-related wishes and goals.

The mentor also benefits

Mentoring provides rewarding moments and insights for the mentor also. The mentor and international talent, i.e. the mentee, form a mentoring pair who try to find solutions and new perspectives to the employment of the international talent by discussing together.

The base of mentoring are goals and needs of the mentee. Mentoring an international talent is also fruitful and instructive from the mentor’s perspective.

The previous mentors have told that they have gained new perspectives on their own work and professional field, learned about the challenges of the international talents and experienced joy of helping as a mentor. Mentoring can also improve the mentor’s language and guidance skills.

Become a mentor?

If you, your colleague, acquaintance or company would be interested to get involved as a mentor, you can apply here:

The MESH project is happy to collaborate with companies. We can brainstorm together with the company; what kind of collaboration would benefit both parties. If your company would be interested in collaboration, don’t hesitate to contact Essi Hillgren: / 040 355 0934