Maritime Accelerator culminates at a Slush side event


Mies seisoo suuren näytön edessä. Näytöllä ilmakuva suuresta risteilijästä.
  • The first period of maritime industry business accelerator programme will close at the beginning of December
  • The best startups will be presented to the public in Helsinki on 4 December
  • The closing event is a side event of Slush, it’s free of charge but registering is required

Maritime Accelerator, a business accelerator for maritime industry implemented in co-operation by Turku Science Park Ltd and Avanto Ventures, will culminate at its third boot camp get-together and the final pitching at the beginning of December. The event will take place in the Helsinki Fair Centre as a side event of Slush, the international startup event.

Mies seisoo suuren näytön edessä. Näytöllä ilmakuva suuresta risteilijästä.
Mr. Juhani Pitkänen from Royal Caribbean is one of the representatives of Maritime Accelerator partners.

Of the hundreds of alternative startups selected to collaborate with the Maritime Accelerator programme partners Wärtsilä, Royal Caribbean and Meyer Turku Oy, seven remain at the closing event. Six of them will present themselves to a large audience of around 200 people in the morning on 4 December. Three start-ups chosen by the jury will also get on the stage in the Breaking Waves conference to be held later on the same day.

The startups in the final phase at hand are Tulip, Delta Cygni Labs, Neuron Soundware, HemaImaging, Thermal Radar, Vital Vio, and Marine Bubble Flow. They were selected as a result of the interviews conducted and boot camps held during the autumn. Finland is represented by Delta Cygni Labs.

“The goal of the accelerator programme is to enable the development of new solutions for the maritime industry together with innovative growth companies and thus strengthen the competitiveness of the Finnish companies in the industry. At the same time the programme has given the participating companies a broad view of the latest trends in the areas of emphasis determined by themselves at the start of the programme”, sums up Program Manager Sofia Tuominen from Turku Science Park Ltd.

Ms Tuominen welcomes all those interested to the closing event.

“It’s a free of charge side event, and you don’t need a Slush ticket to enter. You do need to register to participate, though.”

Further information and a link for registering can be found in the Turku Business Region events calendar.