Final spurt in SHIFT ticket sales!


  • The SHIFT Business Festival in Turku May 22nd – 23rd.
  • The coolest visions and ideas about business and technology
  • More than 4000 attendees expected

SHIFT Business Festival connects groundbreaking technology with leaders of traditional industries for a discussion about the ethics of future development. The festival, attracting 4000 great minds and visionaries, is held May 22nd – 23rd 2018 in the abandoned prison of Kakolan Lääni, Turku, Finland.

The greatest minds of artificial intelligence, data science and theoretical physics from Oxford and Berkeley are arriving to Turku in May. At SHIFT Business Festival you can listen to keynotes by Nick Bostrom, Cathy O’Neill and Geoffrey West.

Workshops provide the possibility to get your hands on the themes by learning new skills. Roundtables are there to help to find the right people interested in the same topics and to talk about them in depth.

Matchmaking is also made easy. SHIFT has a software that gives you the possibility to meet the people you’re looking for but even without that, the relaxed and experience-rich atmosphere makes it easy to break the ice.

Make sure not to miss out the latest updates and subscribe yourself and everyone who should keep up with our updates for the newsletter on our website. SHIFT has also a blog where you can find deeper thoughts about our themes.