Cookie policy

We use cookies on our website. Cookies are small data files that are placed on your computer when you open a website. Cookies are saved with the files used by the browser. Some cookies are used during the session, some for longer.

Cookies can be divided into four categories: necessary, functional, analytics and marketing cookies. The necessary cookies are mandatory and needed for the web page to function correctly. These cookies do not store the kind of information of users that could be utilized in marketing.

Functional cookies are used to improve the user’s experience of the page. Analytics cookies collect anonymized information about the page usage used in statistics and site development. Marketing cookies can be for example, used for target marketing.

There may also be buttons on our website that make it easier to share content to different online communication environments and social media. If you use these buttons, the service you use may save a cookie on your device. Those cookies are not under our control. You will find more information about the cookie use of third parties from the website of the party in question.

Boost your early business stage

When your brand-new business ID has cooled down, you might need personal advice and coaching to accelerate the early stages of your business.

Develop sustainable business

Eyes on the horizon – tomorrow’s growth starts with the steps you take today. Set sustainable frameworks and goals for your company in coaching.

Benefit from financial guidance

Do you know which types of financing are available for your company? Turn to us for advice on financial matters and prepare to attract investors.

Reach the right partners

Do you need support from regional, national, or international networks? We help you reach useful contacts and networks for your company.

Enhance your opportunities to go international

Are global markets calling you? You might need the right partners, export and market information, new skills, or a compass for decision-making on your journey.

Settle in the Turku region

Turku has been first in business since 1229. The area’s available plots, extensive industry networks, and reliable connections provide excellent foundations for good business.

Cookies used on this web page and their operating time

Muokkaa evästeasetuksia

Jos et halua vastaanottaa evästeitä, voit kieltää evästeiden käytön yläpuolella näkyvistä näppäimistä. Lisäksi jokaisella sivulla vasemman alalaidan “evästeasetukset” -linkin takaa avautuu evästebanneri, josta evästeiden hyväksymistä tai estämistä voi kontrolloida. Sama evästebanneri näytetään uudelle sivun kävijälle, jos hän ei ole vielä valinnut evästeasetuksiaan.

Voit myös halutessasi muuttaa Internet-selaimesi asetuksia niin, että saat ilmoituksen aina kun evästeitä ollaan lähettämässä tietokoneellesi. Evästeiden käyttöä voi rajoittaa tai sen voi estää myös Internet-selaimen kautta asetuksista. Katso tarkemmat tiedot selaimen ohjeista tai esimerkeistä alta.

Jos estät kaikkien evästeiden tallennuksen tai poistat ne käy

Edit your cookies settings

If you do not wish to receive cookies, you can edit your consent from above, or from the cookie banner. The cookie banner will be shown for new users, and also it can be opened from the “Cookie settings” link. The link is located in bottom left corner of all pages.

You can also change the settings of your internet browser so that you will receive a message whenever a cookie is about to be sent to your computer. The use of cookies can be limited or prevented through the internet browser (see the help section of your browser for directions).

If you prevent the saving of cookies or disable them, some features of our website may not necessarily work right.