Apply for Global Bio-based Business Plan Competition


  • International competition is looking for new business ideas for the bioeconomy
  • Teams of 2 to 6 students from Finnish universities can participate in the competition
  • Register for the competition by 10.10.2020

A Global Biobased Business Plan Competition, GBiB, has been launched in Finland and organised by the Turku Science Park Ltd. with the aim of producing new and innovative bio-based products and stimulating entrepreneurship in Universities! The challenge is to design a business idea based on the development of a sustainable, bio-renewable product such as biofuels, biochemicals and biomaterials or partial solutions that will support developing those products. Registration is now open until 10th October 2020.

The G-BiB competition will take place in the UK, Finland, and Germany and is open for student teams of 2-6 Bachelor, Master and/or PhD students from universities and universities of applied science. The teams can register for the competition together with a mentor from their university.

During the competition, students will learn how to design a business idea and a captivating pitch deck and how to convince investors with an inspiring pitch. Students will get trained by experienced experts and consultants and have the chance to use this knowledge in the semi-finals and the final by pitching your business case in front of investors. A final award comprised of a certificate, prize money and service will allow the winning team to develop their business idea one step further.

This is a chance for students to learn what it takes to be an entrepreneur and innovator in bioeconomy and broaden their network during the G-BiB!

All information about the competition, the rules and the registration can be found  here: For any questions or further information please feel free to contact  Reeta Huhtinen (

Competition brochure (pdf) here.