Accelerator Programs of Fall 2020 are Open for Applications


  • Two acceleration programs targeted to startups will start this fall
  • Last day to apply for Northbound Startups Accelerator is August 9th
  • Last day to apply for BusinessUp is September 1st

The application period for the accelerator programs organized this fall has started. The programs are open for startups, entrepreneurs, researchers, and teams with a viable business idea. The programs will offer you the best mentors, training, and guidance you need to start and grow your business.

– In addition to the well-received BusinessUp program we are happy to be part of the first Northbound Startups (NBS) Accelerator. Northbound Startups is an international project run by three Science Parks in the Central Baltic area. The aim of the project is to help early-stage companies with business development and investor encounters. From Finland the project partner is Turku Science Park Ltd., says Arto Branders, Growth Adviser from Turku Science Park Ltd.

The First International NBS Accelerator

Northbound Startups offers a seven-month international accelerator program for a few Finnish startups. The official language of this free of charge program is English and it will be arranged in the Science Parks in Tallinn, Turku and Västerås and partially online.

The program starts in September 2020 with the theme of “Growth company fundamentals” and lasts until March 2021, when an international Demo Day will be organized. The deadline for applications is 9th of August. More information on Northbound Startups Accelerator and a link to the application form can be found behind this link.

The Popular BusinessUp is here again

BusinessUp is an intensive three-month accelerator program for startup companies, teams and applicants with a viable business idea. BusinessUp will take place at SparkUp Turku, where you can find Turku Science Park Ltd.’s services for new enterprises and a community for starting companies. In addition to the joint program, each team will be coached by a mentor. BusinessUp offers excellent opportunities for searching international partners.

– BusinessUp is for you if you have a business idea and are in need of guidance, support and contacts to execute the idea. During the ten-week training your idea will be evaluated, tested, and build as startup business, says Johanna Puhtila, Growth Advisor from Turku Science Park Ltd.

The next BusinessUp will start on Wednesday September 23rd and will last until the Demo Day in November. Last day to apply to the program is September 1st, 2020. Apply to BusinessUp by clicking this link.

More information on the programs:
Nortbound Startups Accelerator 