Abomics, a pioneer in personalised medicine, buys Multirec


Abomics Oy has acquired Multirec Oy. Abomics is a Finnish company specialising in pharmacogenetics and one of the leading players in the field in Europe. It maintains a pharmacogenetics database and provides pharmacogenetics consulting services to clinical laboratories and healthcare professionals.

Multirec is a healthcare information services company that has been operating for 22 years and is the leading provider of pharmaceutical databases for patient information systems in Finland. Multirec and Abomics have been working together for several years. Multirec has acted as a distributor of Abomics’ pharmacogenetic database for domestic information systems. Abomics has acted as distributor of Multirec’s “drug effects on laboratory results” database in the international market. The acquisition will make Abomics a comprehensive pharmaceutical information centre. The Abomics Group’s turnover will reach more than €3 million in 2023 and the business will remain profitable despite tough growth targets.

Abomics’ focus has been on international markets from the very beginning. Instead of a national model limited to Finland alone, Abomics has from the outset developed international solutions that can serve the whole of Europe. Abomics launched its database for Finnish physicians together with Duodecim in 2015 and its blood sample-based advisory statements with laboratories a year later. In countries such as Germany and France, where digitisation of healthcare is not at the same level as in Finland, national projects are underway to develop systems. Today, Abomics’ services are used not only in Finnish laboratories and clinics but also in the Netherlands, Estonia and Austria. Contracts in other European countries will also be announced in the near future, says CEO Valter Rönnholm.

Personalised medicine and precision medicine are healthcare buzzwords that many associate with the future or cancer. But personalised medicine through genetics is available to all doctors and patients today,” says Jari Forsström, Medical Director and co-founder of Abomics. The pharmacogenetic test is used throughout Finland in both private and public healthcare. Based on the blood sample, the doctor receives a comprehensive advisory statement to support the medication decision, which Abomics has designed to be easy for general practitioners to use during a short patient visit. The use of pharmacogenetics is growing and Abomics intends to maintain its central position in the market.