• Valmet Automotive entering into manufacturing contract with EV brand Lightyear

    Valmet Automotive entering into manufacturing contract with EV brand Lightyear

    Valmet Automotive has signed a letter of intent on vehicle manufacturing with Lightyear, the Netherlands-based technology company. The contract contains the manufacturing of the Lightyear One exclusive series, a uniquely designed electric vehicle with integrated solar cells. The production is scheduled to start in 2022 in Uusikaupunki, Finland. The Lightyear One model features a unique……

  • Medicortex Finland Oy Announces Issuance of a Patent in Canada

    Medicortex Finland Oy Announces Issuance of a Patent in Canada

    Medicortex Finland Oy, a biopharmaceutical company focusing on the development of diagnostics and drug treatment for mild traumatic brain injury (TBI), has announced that company’s core patent covering the diagnostic kit and innovative biomarker was granted in Canada. “This is a big achievement – we are very pleased with the development of our patent portfolio”……

  • Turku and the Turku archipelago set the scene for an international drama film

    Turku and the Turku archipelago set the scene for an international drama film

    An international feature film has filmed in the Turku archipelago since June. The shooting has taken the crew among other locations to sunny Velkua, Merimasku, Turku and Ähtäri. Increasing amounts of film productions in the region employ the local film professionals and service providers. The bold relationship drama Power of Love is filming in the……

  • SHIFT Business Festival opens the Nordic season of business events in August

    SHIFT Business Festival opens the Nordic season of business events in August

    In 2021, SHIFT Business Festival will focus on future and growth companies. Finland is the European startup and tech hub, especially within AI. In fact, Finnish startups receive the most venture capital funding in Europe, when examining the invested amount in relation to gross domestic product. The SHIFT stage program focuses on future and Nordic……

  • Labmaster and Randox Laboratories to Start Broad Cooperation

    Labmaster and Randox Laboratories to Start Broad Cooperation

    The diagnostics company from Kaarina, Labmaster, made historical R&D agreement with Randox Laboratories this spring, securing Labmaster’s successful long-term growth. The diagnostics company from Kaarina, Labmaster Ltd, and Randox Laboratories Ltd., a world leader in the in-vitro diagnostics industry, signed an original equipment manufacturing (OEM) agreement covering the European and US markets and a co-development……

  • International Talents Showcase Turku in a New Campaign

    International Talents Showcase Turku in a New Campaign

    The Talent Turku project, a joint effort by Turku Science Park Ltd. and the City of Turku, is launching a new campaign marketing Southwest Finland and the Turku region to international audiences. The campaign, dubbed #TalentedByNature, takes place in social media, with the goal of increasing the attractiveness of both Turku and the entire region……

  • SIENIRETKI – A Comedy Starring Martti Suosalo and Ville Myllyrinne Starts Shooting in Turku

    SIENIRETKI – A Comedy Starring Martti Suosalo and Ville Myllyrinne Starts Shooting in Turku

    Writer-director JP Siili’s new comedy will be filmed over the summer in Turku and in the Turku archipelago  Actors Martti Suosalo and Ville Myllyrinne were ecstatic about their return to Turku  The West Finland Film Commission supports the film’s production  Writer-director JP Siili’s new film has began shooting. The comedy known as Sieniretki will be filmed over the summer in Turku and the Turku archipelago. The West Finland Film Commission has supported the production in various ways,……

  • Brinter pushing the frontier of medical science with 3D bioprinting

    Brinter pushing the frontier of medical science with 3D bioprinting

    Brinter aims to revolutionise the manufacturing of personalised drugs and bioprinted organ transplants with newly raised capital. The Turku-based company received million-dollar financing from private equity investor Innovestor. The Turku-based bioprinting start-up received €1.2M in funding from the venture capital investor Innovestor. The company will use the capital to further expand its operations internationally in……

  • German innovation giant Fraunhofer arrives in Turku

    German innovation giant Fraunhofer arrives in Turku

    A new research platform established by Novia University of Applied Sciences and the Fraunhofer CML develops intelligent maritime solutions for the needs of the Finnish Maritime Cluster in cooperation with TechCampus Turku and companies in the field. The applied research and product development of the Finnish Maritime Cluster will be diversified with the start-up of……

  • Turku in the heart of politics, economy and science in August

    Turku in the heart of politics, economy and science in August

    The programme for the Europe Forum 2021 has been published. The fourth forum will be organized in Turku on 25-27 August. The discussions will evolve especially around the theme of changes in the EU and Finland. As speakers, the programme features ministers, MEPs, and leading experts in science, economy, and politics. The Europe Forum is organized as a three-day……