Your business visions do not have to remain just dreams. Our comprehensive and always free services are available to all companies in the region.

You can rely on us for personal advice and coaching, financial advice, business idea development, and expanding networks.

Boost your early business stage

When your brand-new business ID has cooled down, you might need personal advice and coaching to accelerate the early stages of your business.

Develop sustainable business

Eyes on the horizon – tomorrow’s growth starts with the steps you take today. Set sustainable frameworks and goals for your company in coaching.

Benefit from financial guidance

Do you know which types of financing are available for your company? Turn to us for advice on financial matters and prepare to attract investors.

Reach the right partners

Do you need support from regional, national, or international networks? We help you reach useful contacts and networks for your company.

Enhance your opportunities to go international

Are global markets calling you? You might need the right partners, export and market information, new skills, or a compass for decision-making on your journey.

Settle in the Turku region

Turku has been first in business since 1229. The area’s available plots, extensive industry networks, and reliable connections provide excellent foundations for good business.

Speed up the early stages of your business

It takes courage get started. Our free advisory services provide momentum and confidence in developing and establishing new business operations.

Companies seeking growth in the domestic market

Are you looking for growth and expansion opportunities for your ongoing business operations? Whether you are considering a new area, product, or industry, we help your company reach its potential.

Open a gate to the world

Some companies are born global – others decide to enter international markets when the time is right. We help companies to launch into the world.

Are you looking for inspiration and learning, networking opportunities, or new business possibilities? Join upcoming events! We will serve coffee and buns.

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Did we spark your interest?

We want to see your company succeed. We would love to hear more about your business and goals – and how we can best help.

With our help, you get the drive for growth, development, and internationalisation.